Finding a job has never been
so simple.

A single swipe connects you with the best recruiters for you.


Are you looking for the right Job FOR YOU?

Feeling tired and disheartened? We feel you!

Job hunting is a full-time job!
An extremely long, costly, and very frustrating process.

Have you ever calculated how many hours, days, and weeks you’ve spent in front of your computer, copying and pasting the same information into application forms?

+11 hours per week on average dedicated to online job searching.

On average, only 1 candidate out of 5 is contacted for a first interview.

Only 1 job offer out of 10 is found interesting when contacted directly by recruiters.


It’s not time to give up yet.

A worrying scenario, but companies are constantly seeking the best talents and ideal candidates
for them, and the next one could be you! 

It’s all about connecting with the right company, at the right time.

Bizwire is the app designed to simplify and speed up your online job search, putting people back at the center of recruiting by connecting them quickly and directly with a simple swipe!

How does Bizwire work?


No need to upload a
new version of your CV for every job offer. Fill out your profile once, showcase yourself, and tell us what makes you unique.


Our artificial intelligence
will present you with the
most interesting opportunities for you.
Swipe right if you like the offer.


If your profile is
also liked, you get a MATCH
and can directly
contact recruiters who are
genuinely interested in you!

Find a job with a swipe!


Let recruiters know you're interested: just a swipe away!

With Bizwire:

Bizwire revolutionizes job searching:


Bizwire is based on an immediate and innovative approach to online recruiting that puts people at the center of the process.

Compared to the most popular platforms and search engines, Bizwire places both the EMPLOYER and the JOB SEEKER on the same level.

It’s no longer about responding to job ads by sending your CV. Recruiters and job seekers can express their interest and proceed to a direct interaction by swiping on their phone.

Bizwire directly shows your professional profile to potentially interested companies.

The platform detects the compatibility between the job offer and the user profile, allowing potential candidates and recruiters to express mutual interest.

This way, you can move to an initial chat and arrange a first interview.

Bizwire filters out non-targeted ads and significantly reduces search times.

Bizwire’s artificial intelligence automatically calculates the affinity between your profile and the job opportunities on the app, allowing you to focus exclusively on the positions that match your profile and are most interesting to you.

No! For all professionals looking for new job opportunities, Bizwire is free. 

Finding a job has never been easier: just swipe right!